Underage Social Access to Alcohol
The Kids will drink anyway. We did it when we were young. I’m 21 now, it’s my turn to provide the fun.
Right? Actually, no. There’s no excuse for enabling underage drinking—in fact, it’s against the law.
Know the Social Host Liability Law:
Social Host is a Monroe County law that says adults may not provide alcohol to anyone under 21 years old or knowingly allow anyone under 21 to drink alcohol at their residence or property.
Violating the law can result in a fine. Repeated violations can result in a misdemeanor charge and up to 1 year in jail, in addition to increased fines.
Read the law here
Know the law and follow it to help prevent underage drinking and the harm that can come from it!
Allowing youth under 21 to drink alcohol at home does not eliminate the risks. When teens drink alcohol their judgment, motor skills, problem-solving, and many other important functions of the brain are impaired. They are more likely to engage in risky behavior which may cause injuries or even death from burns, falls, drowning, or violence. Alcohol poisoning is another concern. Learn to recognize and respond to alcohol overdose/poisoning here.
Impaired driving is a major risk, 1 out of 4 teen car crashes involve an underage driver who has been drinking. Compared with adult drivers with the same blood alcohol content, teens who drive impaired are more likely to be involved in a crash. Allowing underage alcohol use at home does not entirely prevent this risk - teens, especially after their decision-making is impaired by alcohol, may choose to drive to seek more alcohol, meet up with friends, etc.
Risk to their Safety
Alcohol is always harmful to the developing brain - no matter the kind, source, or where it is consumed. Drinking alcohol as a teenager can change how the brain builds and fine-tunes its connections. The areas of the brain that control planning, decision-making, learning, memory, and more have been shown to be smaller or underdeveloped for adults who drank heavily as teens. Beginning to use alcohol at a younger age is also associated with a higher life-time risk for developing Alcohol Use Disorder.
Risk to their Development
A DUI or other criminal charges can significantly impact a person’s life, education, and career. Records of underage drinking, whether it's a legal record, school disciplinary record, or even evidence of underage drinking on personal social media, can all affect admission to college or acceptance in the job search.
Help set the young people in your life up for safety and success by making the choice to not provide alcohol or allow underage drinking in your home.
Risk to their Future
Thanks to our campaign collaborators and partners!
Causewave Community Partners, Aurora Design, Lissa Mathis Design
Coalition partners including IUCC, PFLAG, Rochester Rainbow Union, ROCovery Fitness, Youth Voices Matter, Monroe County STOP DWI, Delphi Rise, Finger Lakes Prevention Resource Center, Center for Youth, Smoking and Health Action Coalition
This campaign was made possible by grant funding from the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports for Special Populations Coalitions