The Misconceptions of Cannabis Use
Myth vs. Fact
There is lots of misleading and confusing information out there when it comes to the benefits and side effects of Cannabis use - especially for those under the age of 21.
Let’s separate the myths from the facts about cannabis use.
Myth: “Cannabis helps me sleep.”
Cannabis worsens sleep - Cannabis affects the circadian rhythm (the brain’s internal clock of day and night) which has a negative impact on sleep. It can make you wake up more often or sleep less deeply. Long term cannabis use is also associated with insomnia. Sleep disturbance is a very common, sometimes severe, symptom of cannabis withdrawal.
Exercise improves sleep - Physical activity makes it easier to fall asleep and helps you have high-quality sleep. Exercising increases melatonin production, reduces stress, and helps regulate your body temperature which all help you sleep better!
Get more sleep tips
Myth: “Cannabis helps me cope”
Cannabis use can increase anxiety and depression, especially for young people and people who use it frequently (weekly or more). High potency cannabis is also linked to greater risk for episodes of psychosis.
Coping in a healthy way:
Writing, drawing, or other forms of self expression are a great way to manage anxiety and relieve stress.
Take care of your body.
Calm your breathing - try an exercise like box breathing where you breathe in, hold, breathe out, and hold all for 4 seconds.
Talk to someone - this can be a friend, family member, or a professional.
Myth: “Everybody’s doing it.”
More than 80% of Irondequoit teens have never tried cannabis, and even more do not currently use it!
Advertising and marketing try very hard to make it seem like cannabis use is something most teens are doing or that most teens approve of it - that’s not true! On anonymous surveys of middle and high school students in Irondequoit, over 80% report having never tried cannabis and more than 70% say their peers think underage use is wrong or very wrong.
Myth: “Cannabis is natural so it’s safe.”
Cannabis products today have been modified or made in a lab to be much more potent than they used to be. Tests have shown many chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants in cannabis products.
You might not know what you’re getting - cannabis products that are sold outside of a licensed dispensary have been found to contain drastically different levels of THC and CBD than what is advertised on the package. There are CBD products advertised as containing zero THC (so they should not be psychoactive or cause a “high” feeling) that end up containing significant THC when tested.
Cannabis has real risks to both the brain and body, especially for teens and young adults.
Thanks to our campaign collaborators and partners!
Causewave Community Partners, Aurora Design, Lissa Mathis Design
Coalition partners including IUCC, PFLAG, Rochester Rainbow Union, ROCovery Fitness, Youth Voices Matter, Monroe County STOP DWI, Delphi Rise, Finger Lakes Prevention Resource Center, Center for Youth, Smoking and Health Action Coalition
This campaign was made possible by grant funding from the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports for Special Populations Coalitions