Resources for Teens
Are you ready for Prom? Graduation season? Other special events?
One way to make sure your celebration goes smoothly, is to plan ahead. Sometimes these special events involve a higher risk for underage substance use. So, let’s be prepared to make sure you feel safe and have a plan of action that you can take with you in case you need help.
Creating a Safety Plan
Know your itinerary (where you’ll be and when) and communicate that with two trusted adults. Keep them informed if your plans change!
Have two phone numbers you feel comfortable calling at anytime if you need help or someone to talk with — make sure your phone is charged, it’s even better to memorize these numbers in case you don’t have your phone.
If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, it’s time to leave! Think of some things you can say to get yourself out of those situations.
Make it a night you can remember — stay sober! Drugs and alcohol can lead to bad decisions and dangerous situations.
Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or any other drugs! And don’t let friends do it either!
Know Before You Go
The Good Samaritan law protects you if you need to call for emergency services for a suspected overdose, even if underage substance use is occurring. Always call if you need help!
When do I need to call for help? Signs of alcohol poisoning or drug overdose:
Slow breathing or long gaps between breaths
Skin that looks blue, gray or pale
Low body temperature, also known as hypothermia
Trouble staying conscious or awake, becoming unresponsive